Buy my work

Here is an overview of where to see and buy my work

Dust Collections and other works can be seen and acquired at:


Galleri PI
Bogergade 15D
1300 KBH K 

Drawings are framed and can bee seen and acquired at:


Torvet 3
5600 Faaborg

Soil Sense Spa Treatment
can be booked as either a: 

Full day workshop
(10-200 participants)

Including an artist talk, introduction, collaborative collection, slow sensory treatment and shared reflections. 

2 hours sensory experience
(10-45 participants) 

Including an introduction, collaborative collection and slow sensory treatment.

The 'treatment' is equally an artistic sensation, wellbeing, nature experience and social connection. 

Suitable for festivals, workshops, outdoor arrangements, teambuilding, parties and more.

Book it or learn more by contacting maria(at)


© Copyright 2024  |  |  Istagram: @maria_viftrup

Tekst, grafik, billeder, lyd samt andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret. Maria Viftrup forbeholder sig alle rettigheder til indholdet, herunder retten til at udnytte indholdet med henblik på tekst- og datamining, jf. ophavsretslovens § 11 b og DSM-direktivets artikel 4.