The ’Temporary Archive of Object Ecosystems’ is an exploration of how we create and consume materials and products. Who decides which objects are produced and what they are made of? When are objects ‘useful’? How long should products be allowed to exist? What is the future of plastic? How can sensory impressions make us conscious about materials? How can we take ownership of the material world and create better ecosystems?

The project was exhibited at 48 Stunde Neukölln (June 2018).
I invited the visitors to collebaorate to create sculptures from bioplastic objects and exhibit them in the 'Temporary Archive'. 1500 sculptures was created in 25 hours. The building blocks for the sculptures was made from gelatine-based biodegradable plastic, straw, horsehair, leaves and other natural materials. 

The sculpture building experiment was a starting point for thoughts and dialogues with the visitors on three levels:


The first level is about a pure sensorial experience, the mere joy of touching and contributing to an artwork.
The second level is about making people think about their own everyday lives, their habbits and the materials that surround them. 
The third level is creating room for discussions about the present and future systems of production and consumerism.
In that way the project enganged the visitor from a very personal, physical experience to a broad view of the structures of society.

The project is a part of a collaboration between 48 Stunde Neukölln and the Triangle Festival in Denmark.

Sponsored by Rousselot.

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