A set of bags created not for pre-packed items – but for things, you discover on your way.

We imagine that in 2027 virtual reality will be normal in most homes. That will dramatically change the way people travel. You do not have to travel to Paris anymore – put on your VR-headset and you are there. In 2027, VR will also incorporate all of your senses, which leads to an even more ‘real’ experience.
However – it is not real! People who are using it a lot will start to feel their normal senses decrease.

 Therefore, we imagine a movement of sense-travelling, where you travel in the real world to train your real senses. We made the travel gear that enables you to collect and contain the sensual impressions you find.

Sensplore is made together with fellow students Ursula Olsen nad Bjørn Grummesgaard Hagensen.

In collaboration with Ecco, Billund Airport and Pelle Conciate Al Vegetale In Toscana. 


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